cleveland guardians and sports photography
The Land. The tribe. C-Town. For years, Russell has had the distinct honor of being the Cleveland Guardians’ primary contract photographer and videographer—and he’s loved cheering them on as much as he’s risen to the challenge of capturing their energy in every frame.Photographing and filming Major League baseball stars—and their devoted fans—is a true joy for Russell. Capturing the excitement, grit and heart of professional sports is a wonderful adventure and a labor of love.
Shooting at both Progressive Field and their spring training facility in Goodyear, Arizona, Russell loves the challenge of capturing these big sports personalities in a matter of just a few moments. Just as thrilling is collecting the cheers, joy and heart ache on the faces of fans as they react to nail-biting plays—authentic moments that can’t be recreated.
This type of fast-paced, professional sports photography requires extensive advanced planning—something Russell thrives on doing to ensure when the time comes, he’s prepared to capture these great moments.
He’s designed all the sets and lighting schemes for the Indians’ seasonal scoreboard hype reels, player’s official portraits and promotional photos, and partners with the in-house photography department to capture the best of each season in stills and video.